Living Code

Living Code is Dethe's blog for talking about code, life, and all the rest.

Black Lives Matter. Defund the police.

On the web: 

Dethe Elza • Jan 7, 2009 • 4 min read

First VanPyZ of 2009

I really need to start blogging these before they happen, but I will at least try to summarize the January Vancouver Python user group meeting. Our featured speaker wasn’t able to make it, and it was only with the nudging of Andy and the gracious help of Jim and Dane at Workspace that we even had a January meeting. But a meeting was had, a surprising number of people braved the heavy rain, and we had a good time talking about our varied interests and explorations, mostly with a Python theme.  Read →

Dethe Elza • Dec 14, 2008 • 6 min read

Drawing with opacity

This is something of a followup to earlier posts Drawing Hexmaps and Saving PNG from PyGame. A recent comment from Roger Aisling on the second of those posts asked about drawing with opacity in the Python Image Library (PIL).  Read →

Dethe Elza • Nov 13, 2008 • 3 min read

in earth dreams

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