Unit Testing in Vancouver

Just a quick reminder: Henry Prêcheur will be presenting Unit Testing in Python at the VanPyZ meeting tomorrow, February 3rd. The meeting will be at Workspace in Gastown (see map on VanPyZ page). Meetings are from 7-8:30, then we head out for beers afterwards.

Hope to see you there!


The next Vancouver Python users’ group meeting will have a special guest: Adrian Holovaty, lead developer for the Django web framework. The meeting will be on Tuesday, February 6th from 7-9 pm, hosted by Sophos at their Vancouver office.

To prepare for this, there will be workshop before-hand to learn more about Django. The introduction to Django web framework workshop will be a hands-on tutorial on February 4th from 1-4 pm, also at the Sophos office. To make this event even more special (at least for me) it happens to be my birthday, when I get in touch with Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Details on both events can be found at the VanDjangoJam page. Thanks to Paul for organizing this, and to everyone who has volunteered to help out.

Unwired in Vancouver

The BC Wireless project is a project to bring free community networks to communities throughout British Columbia.

BC Wireless

There’s a great resource for finding network connectivity in Vancouver, by cafe, neighborhood, or main street. There’s even a map. Coffee and Wireless in Vancouver


